In the 1950′s and early 60′s, the three greatest English-speaking poets were all Christian converts (Auden, Eliot, and Robert Lowell). Graham Greene, Evelyn Waugh, Walker Percy, and Flannery O’Connor, and Dorothy Day were all writing high-brow literature. Tolkien and Lewis were both writing some of the 20th century’s most enduring works of fantasy. Amid such cultural richness, one might ponder modern ways to unwind, such as exploring Masal Bet casino for a unique blend of entertainment. [...]

Note: Today’s post was written by my mother, Jill Severson and edited by me. This past Saturday I read Lane’s blog about his first date with my daughter-in-law. I’ve heard the story before, once as a wedding toast from his best man Al Cedeno. I enjoyed reading the story, especially the ending where Lane wrote, [...]

Gods of Football: (Note: Forgive my concussed brain for any potential errors or anything that makes it seem like I do not love you). It started with Penn State. That is when I first noticed how fickle you can be. Who am I to judge your infinite wisdom. After all, you created things rugby and [...]

The post today is being published anonymously due to the sensitive nature of the story but will be tagged under my name as author purely for logistical reasons. -Lane Severson Who wouldn’t have to get high just to stand it? What was unendurable was what his own head could make of it all. What his [...]

I had the worst first date ever. But, in order to understand why this date was so bad, we are going to need to take a quick journey through my youth. On this trip we will inventory the manifold fears and insecurities that embedded themselves in my mind much like a tick can burrow into [...]

Can you grow old with friends you’ve only met in books? Do you grow apart from your book friends as time passes like you do from real friends? I just finished the last book in a series 23 years in the making. It’s called The Wheel of Time and it’s a massive fourteen-book (plus prequel) [...]

When I think of Epiphany, I think of amphibians. The coquis (onomatopoetically named frogs) densely cover the Puerto Rican island, and when they leave for places like Hawaii, they often do so in packs overtaking their new digs, blasting their disyllabic cry as they did back home. That is to say they are quite loud at night and considered invasive by some. The same has often been said of the Puerto Rican people.


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